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How to clean inflatables?
Source:     Author:     Posted: 22-05-2018    Views:

There are few different methods you can use to clean your inflatables units. A spray botton filled with plain water will get off light dust and dirt. You can also get vinyl cleaning products that are meant for cleaning gym mats. One product that really works well is MaTT Kleen. It is a disinfectant which kills 99.9 percent of germs bacteria and virus's. It is a good idea to do a good disinfecting every couple of weeks when the inflatables are being used regularly. A dirty moonwalk can spead all kinds of nasty stuff.  When you first start cleaning you should sweep or vacumm out all of the dirt and debris. Alway test any cleaner on an inside part of the blower tube. DO not use clorine based cleaners or bleach to clean.


For example, when the Inflatable water slides and slip and slide's are all great performing Inflatables if you operate in an area that gets good and hot in the summer. You can definitely look forward to renting this unit out on a regular basis during the hot months. You should also plan on spending extra time setting up and taking down water inflatables. For most units you will need to allocate about an hour for setup and 1-2 hours for take down. Taking down the inflatable takes significantly longer because you have to attempt to get as much of the water out of the unit as possible. Using a shammy instead of towels can be very helpful. Generally when picking up you just want to get the unit dry enough to get it back to your storage location. At which time the unit should be completely dried before being store for any period long than 24 hours. Most of these types of units have zippers which allow access to the inside of the unit. This can be very helpful in speeding up the dry time. Remember that when picking up these units they are going to be significantly heavier than they were when you dropped them off. Having 2 people for these pick ups is highly recommended.

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