Tent support to be choose in a relatively flat lots, entrances and exits should be back on air, the ground should be relatively dry, if the lawn is the best thin, such as the slope of the ground slightly, exports to be elected in the downhill, it is easy to trench drainage.
After the tents spread Inner tent corners should be fixed first, so put down the tent upper end firmly on the ground, where conditions can be pad to seats under the tent, so that not only protect the tent bottom, but also to achieve the best waterproof effect. Support outside the account, in addition to a reliable connection with the bottle outside the bar, with special attention lay the leash, so that the fly taut in order to facilitate the fly to achieve the best rain, there has skirts tent, the application of soft soil or sand pressure Well, winter, snow pressure can also be used, so more conducive to wind.
Nail should have a fixed inclination angle of 35-45 degrees is appropriate, to thwack the distance and direction of the axis for the same leash, the leash and to nail a 90 degree angle, so that maximum benefit force strength. It should be noted in a fixed sequence corresponding to a fixed, for example: the first left corner, followed by the right rear corner, right front corner, left corner, the whole tent fixed, adjust the line so that all aspects of hove led the force pulling the same. After a good tent support, check the distance between the inside and outside the account, if the paste together, the impact of rain and anti-gel, should be adjusted.
Camping, if possible rains, the program will ditch digging is not ranked save, drains should be close to the outer tent, if not skirted the tents, the location should be outside the trench off the water flow down into the ditch to facilitate appropriate, digging drainage ditches around the tent, so that water can be discharged smoothly.
Tents are generally not bought a new ass to buy this stuff, but often people out there who are generally a tent floor mats, we strongly recommend either the base PE or PU nylon fabric looks like background, all the best places to accompany a tent pad, you can and aluminum in the same nail that was the best companion of the two tents, to a large extent not only protects the tent's foundation, the general's tent floor mats are waterproof (rubber sink, or water-resistant PU coated nylon fabric light), but also cleaner, save tent foundation dirty, so dirty tents, mats only, after cleaning the underside of the tent floor mats is OK.
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