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how to repair the inflatables
Source:     Author:     Posted: 25-01-2016    Views:

What to do when you find the leakage on your inflatables? If you take it to repair center, it's too heavier to handle it. Now, follow our below instruction, you can easily repair the inflatables by yourself.


1, Determine where the hole is in the inflatable. If it's a small tear, it may be hard to find. One way to easily find the hole is to spray the deflated area with soapy water. Then re-inflate the inflatable and look for bubbles. That's where the hole is.

2, Make sure the area around the hole is dry before repairing it. Mark the hole by placing four strips of masking tape around it, making a small square.

3, The inflatable come with a repair kit that a patch and glue. You can also purchase a repair kit at most stores that sell inflatable if you missed the repair kit. (If the hole is very big, you can firstly sew up the hole by using a needle and strong thread)

4, Patch the area. The patch should be at least a half inch bigger than the tear. Spread a small amount of glue around the surface and attach the patch to the newly sewn hole.

5, Allow time for the patch to dry. Do not leave the inflatable at night; a small amount of rain or dew could disrupt the drying of the glue. If the patch fails when you try inflating the inflatable again, send the inflatable to a professional to be repaired.

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