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how to recycle an inflatable pool
Source:     Author:     Posted: 26-12-2015    Views:

What do you do with those inflatable pools when the kids have outgrown them? They can serve several useful purposes. Read on for some novel ideas as follows.


1 These inflatable pools are a nice size for a small vegetable garden. Poke a few holes in the bottom - ten should be good - around the edge and a few in the middle for drainage. For extra drainage, add a layer of small stones in the bottom. Then add some nice soil - either from the yard or store bought. Now plant some veggies or make a nice big herb garden without a tiller or back breaking digging. A really nice feature is that you can put your garden on the deck or back patio or anywhere you want to.

2 Use the inflatable pool for a nice big mulch pile. Put it in a corner somewhere inconspicuous and use it for mulch. Leftover fruits and vegetables and coffee grinds and a little grass or leaves once in a while will turn into a nice mulch to feed your gardens. Turn the mulch over with a rake or pitchfork once in a while to allow air to flow and hasten the process.

3 Are there any fishermen in the house? A small wading pool makes a great worm farm. Already self contained, you can find your worms with no effort and they have plenty of room to be fruitful and multiply.

4 Small pools are great for bathing the dogs in, too. Just put your water in when you wet them and soap them up and rinse them off - all in one big bathtub. If you have a pet that loves water, fill the pool up for him or her on hot days and let them enjoy it.

5 Use the inflatable pool for a backyard, outdoor toy box. Have kids put all their balls and small riding toys and bats and whatever else they normally leave laying out in the yard into the new toy box. Before mom or dad goes out to mow the grass you can have a toy collection where the kids go out and put everything into the pool so nothing gets run over.

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